
There’s so much to do and to consider before moving to a different country. We have to figure out what to do with our phone contracts and phone numbers, what to sell and what to store, how health insurance will work… the list seems endless right now. We bought lots of things a year ago with the expectation that we’d be staying here (big tv, car, couch, table, microwave stand, etc.) and now we’re scrambling to find a place for each of them.

It could be a nice breath away from the weight of materialistic existence to minimize our possessions, to distill down to two suitcases and a carry-on, although most of it (guitars, dishes, curtains, bike, etc.) is just going in storage. It’s hard because the waste-not want-not side of me insists each little bit of shampoo left in the bottle should be saved.

I bought yoga classes for the remainder of the time here in New York, just to keep me sane (and flexible).