Experiencing The World Cup in Chile

The office is decorated in Chilean flags. Red, white, and blue is everywhere, including the hats and leis that adorn my coworkers. The company has put in a new TV in the office which plays all the games, not just Chile. Outside, the city has set up huge screens along one of the walkways and another outside the capital building. As I work, I can hear people are cheering in the streets, but Chile isn’t even playing! Their yells and groans match those in the room beside my office. We’ll get to go home early to watch the game, and many people have already left. Carlos and I even wore our team jerseys to work. Shops sell paraphernalia, and sounds of vuvuzuelas and announcements echo in the air. Confetti made from small pieces of newspaper has been falling for hours from the tall buildings. They say it’s like a religion, and that’s not an exaggeration. Catholicism doesn’t stand a chance against soccer. The country is united this month with a singular, festive cause: the world cup.

When we scored the whole city cheered in one, unanimous roar. With the windows open, we could hear hundreds of thousands of people enthusiastically celebrating each goal. We jumped up and down, we punched the air, we swore with happiness. Chi Chi Chi, Le Le Le, viva Chile! Each time it happened the cheers were deafening. I doubt there’s a baby sleeping or any household that isn’t focused right now on this one, singular goal… a GOOOOOLLLLLLLLLLL!

The other Chilean games we’ve watched in the office with no pretense or expectation that work will be done while they’re on. The bosses want to watch, too. I was surprised when they told me they’d be installing a TV in the office, but now I understand that everyone would probably go home if they didn’t do otherwise. Plus, it’s fun to watch it all together.
It has been dramatic, emotional, and thrilling to be a part of the World Cup in Chile. It is all-consuming, collective experience. Tomorrow, Saturday is our game against Brazil. It’s likely that we will get knocked out, but I’m glad that we’ve gotten so far with so many moments to celebrate!

A Mundial!

Chile is going to the World Cup! Last night, Chile beat Ecuador 2-1 and the nation ignited in celebration.

It was a phenomenal experience. We watched the game with friends, packed together with pizza and beer, cheering together like a sports commercial. Their apartment is close to the stadium and so after each goal, we muted the TV and listened. We could hear cheering below, the roar rising above the bright lights of the stadium and into the dark night.

I would wish on anyone the chance to be in a country whose entire nation is celebrating in the streets and shouting between buildings in joy. I hope you get to yell out the windows and honk at every single pedestrian and car, and see them dance and cheer back. May you see flags upon flags, worn as capes, flying on cars, and being waved at every passerby, as crowds sing and chant together beneath fireworks.

I have mixed feelings about sports fanaticism, especially at the national level, but all my qualms vanished when we were winning and I let the wave carry me out.